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 Indian Trade Customs/Central Excise and Industry (HS) Codes.
  Your Search Result for chapter no. 11
ITC No Goods Qualifier Goods Description
110100 Wheat or meslin flour - Rye flour :
110210 Cereal flours other than that of wheat or meslin - Maize (corn) flour :
110220 Cereal flours other than that of wheat or meslin - Other :
110290 Cereal flours other than that of wheat or meslin - Groats and meal: Of Wheat :
110311.1 Cereals groats, meal and pellets - Groats and meal: Of Wheat :
110311.2 Cereals groats, meal and pellets - Groats and meal: Of maize (corn):
110313 Cereals groats, meal and pellets - Groats and meal: Of other cereals
110319 Cereals groats, meal and pellets - Pellets :
110320 Cereals groats, meal and pellets - Rolled or flaked grains: Of oats :
110412 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced, or kibbled), except rice of heading 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground - Rolled or flaked grains: Of other cereals :
110419 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced, or kibbled), except rice of heading 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground - Other worked grains (for example, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled): Of oats :
110422 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced, or kibbled), except rice of heading 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground - Other worked grains (for example, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled): Of maize (corn) :
110423 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced, or kibbled), except rice of heading 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground - Other worked grains (for example, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled): Of other cereals :
110429 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced, or kibbled), except rice of heading 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground - Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground :
110430 Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced, or kibbled), except rice of heading 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground - Flour, meal and powder :
110510 Flour, meal, powder, flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes - Flakes, granules and pellets :
110520 Flour, meal, powder, flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes - Of the dried leguminous vegetables of Heading No. 0713 :
110610 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 - Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714:
110620.1 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 - Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714:
110620.2 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 - Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714:
110620.9 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 -Of the products of Chapter 8
110630.1 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 -Of the products of Chapter 8
110630.2 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 -Of the products of Chapter 8
110630.3 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 -Of the products of Chapter 8
110630.9 Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 or of the products of Chapter 8 - Not roasted
110710 Malt, whether or not roasted -Roasted
110720 Malt, whether or not roasted -Starches: Wheat starch
110811 Starches; Insulin -Starches: Maize (corn) starch
110812 Starches; Insulin -Starches: Potato starch
110813 Starches; Insulin -Starches: Manioc (cassava) starch
110814 Starches; Insulin -Starches: Other
110819.1 Starches; Insulin -Starches: Other
110819.9 Starches; Insulin -Insulin
110820 Starches; Insulin Wheat Gluten, whether or not dried
110900 Wheat Gluten, whether or not dried
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